GeographyJobs.caGeography Jobs First. In Canada |
How do I post a resumé?
1. Login to My GeographyJobs.
2. Click the My Resumés tab near the top of the screen.
3. Click the “Create resumé” button.
4. Click to select how your resumé will work within our searchable database: Non-searchable, Confidential or Searchable.
5. Fill out all mandatory information as denoted by red asterisks and any other optional information you wish to include.
6. Cut and paste the contents of your resumé into the text box as noted. Omit any personal information there if your resumé is selected as “Confidential.” Click the “Continue” button.
7. Now you may choose to upload your resumé document file so employers may view a rich format. If you wish to upload a file, click the “Browse” button to select a file. Once selected click the “Continue” button. If you do not want to upload a file, simply click “Continue” without selecting a file.